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Permanent marking of products and parts

We are specialized in all technologies for permanent products and parts marking: Laser Markers – PINSTAMP Dot Peen Systems – Scribe Systems – Punches. We can mark almost everything and help you find the solution that best suits your needs.

The largest Telesis distributor in the EU

We exclusively represent the American manufacturer of marking systems Telesis TECHNOLOGIES Inc. We are largest distributor in Europe.

Permanent marking of products and parts

We are specialized in all technologies for permanent products and parts marking: Laser Markers – PINSTAMP Dot Peen Systems – Scribe Systems – Punches. We can mark almost everything and help you find the solution that best suits your needs.

The largest Telesis distributor in the EU

We exclusively represent the American manufacturer of marking systems Telesis TECHNOLOGIES Inc. We are largest distributor in Europe.

Why we are different?

World unique principles

View the unique principles of tip movement of pneumatic and multi-point pinstamp systems.
What we are the best at? >

This is how we mark


See the applications of our satisfied customers in references >

Visit our showroom

Přijeďte do našeho showroom na prezentaci značicích laserů, mikroúderových strojů, rycí technologie. U nás si můžete zcela nezávazně označit dovezené výrobky nebo materiály.
Jsme připraveni zodpovědět veškeré vaše dotazy. Stroje předvedeme s veškerým příslušenstvím. Sami si vyberete ten nejvhodnější stroj, který splní vaše požadavky. Domluvíme financování.
Termín domluvte prosím písemně nebo telefonicky:
Petr Janda
Tel.: +420 379 778 541
Mobil: +420 728 045 082

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    Vyplňte prosím tento krátký formulář - ozveme se vám nejbližší pracovní den.

    How can we help you?

    We are aware that to choose the right machine requires some knowledge and experience in the field. In order to be able to satisfy all customer requirements from all areas, our range of machines and various accessories is very extensive. See what we excel at.

    Take advantage of our many years of practical experience, we will be happy to advise you on your choice.

    Become our long-term partner.

    Our MARKSYS team is here for you.

    • We prepare your sample marking for FREE and with various technologies.
    • We are prepared to visit you to present our marking machines or we are pleased to invite you to our showroom.
    • Together we can choose the most suitable machine and accessories for you.
    • We provide FREE technical support for the entire life of the machine.

      Contact us

      Please fill in this short form - we will contact you the next working day.

      Why Marksys?

      Unique principle of pin movement

      Did you know that…
      We are the only ones in the world to use the unique pin movement of pneumatic pinstamp systems on the principle of flying pin movement – without the use of a return spring. Thanks to that:

      We can mark round and uneven parts more effectively

      Mikroúdery na principu vzduch/vzduch mají zdvih hrotu až 35mm. Což je výhodné zejména pro značení nerovných a kulatých dílů, kdy hrot kopíruje nerovnost materiálu bez nutnosti pootáčení dílem.

      We control applications for very deep marking

      Stlačený vzduch dokáže vystřelit hrot větší silou, tudíž hrot udělá do materiálu větší stopu. Zdvih hrotu neomezuje pružinka, hrot padá tedy z větší výšky. Řídicí systém umožňuje i pětinásobný úder do jednoho místa. Výsledkem je extrémní hloubka značení na výrobku.

      We also mark delicate parts without an unpleasant “buzzing” sound

      Hroty u našich mikroúderů nekmitají, ale každý úder je řízen jednotlivě. Hrot je díky tlaku vzduchu neustále vystřeďován, není rozkmitán pružinkou.

      Odpadá tak nepříjemný bzučivý zvuk, na který jste zvyklí u mikroúderů od konkurence.

      We can mark without any interruption in 24/7 mode

      Hroty u našich mikroúderů nekmitají. Každý úder je regulován zvlášť. Odpadá tak příšerný bzučivý zvuk, na který jste zvyklí u mikroúderů od konkurence.

      More about the innovated pneumatic principle

      Naši vývojáři dostali od zákazníků za úkol zvýšit výkon mikroúderů na maximum a zároveň eliminovat poruchy značicích strojů na minimum. Jediné, co se dalo na pneumatickém principu mikroúderů vylepšit bylo odstranit pružinku. Po několika letech vývoje se inženýrům, technikům a programátorům povedlo vyvinout bezkonkurenční princip pohybu hrotu bez pružinek. Do dnes je tento princip patentovaný a žádná jiná firma ho nemůže používat. Telesis je proto jedinečný.

      Take a look at our references to find what we can do >

        Contact us

        Please fill in this short form - we will contact you the next working day.

        Multi-pin pinstamp systems

        Did you know that… 
        – as the only company we offer multi-pin pinstamp marking systems
        the control units that we supply with the multi-pin pinstamp systems are able to control the movement of each pin individually. It even controls each stroke of a single pin.

        Our developers responded to the increasingly demanding requirements of customers and therefore developed the principle of moving several pins at once. We offer two, four and eight-pin pinstamp systems. But we can also make a special custom 21-pin pinstamp system. The fastest pinstamp system in the world..

        The marking is very accurate, which you will especially appreciate for 2D 2D DATAMATRIX and QR codes..

          Contact us

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          Scribe markers


          Did you know that…
          – we offer X and Y axis movement with stepper and servo motors.
          -we use the unique principle pin movement of in scribe systems as well. Thanks to this, our scribe systems can mark 2D codes (DATAMATRIX and QR codes)

          The servo motor ensures faster marking, shorter marking cycle, better marking

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            Technical support and comprehensive approach

            Only thanks to a strong background in the form of regularly trained staff, which forms strong technical support , we can produce and supply marking solutions to the most demanding and continuous operations: foundries, rolling mills, steel mills, automotive, aerospace, armaments or medical industries and more.

            To be successful at our clients we place emphasis on a comprehensive solution of marking process. See our references >

            LASER MARKERS

            Did you know that…
            We supply a special dual-head laser. Thanks to this technology, we can produce a custom laser solution according to the requirements of a specific application.

            Universal, user-friendly MERLIN LS control software, the same for all TELESIS laser types.

              Contact us

              Please fill in this short form - we will contact you the next working day.

                Contact us

                Please fill in this short form - we will contact you the next working day.

                simple solutions

                It is a solution where the marked part is manipulated by a person (operator, human operator). This solution is usually used for marking of smaller series or final parts. We manufacture custom toolposts, handheld frames etc.

                The marked data can be load directly on the machine control unit, read through the readers or selected from the database.

                References – more complex solutions

                These applications are completely without operators. The part is handled by a robot, an automatic feeder, the products move on a belt conveyor, etc.

                Machines usually require additional protection and cover. Our attention is focused on the robustness of the construction, ergonomics of processes, protection of control elements, economy of the solution, etc.

                The marking machine is controlled by superior PLC / PC systems. Data loading is performed automatically using signals, databases, customer software. etc.

                We have been cooperating with the largest integrators in the field for a long time.


                Why Marksys?

                WE KNOW THE ROPES

                We have a perfect knowledge of the supplied systems

                WE ARE CZECH COMPANY

                We are original Czech company without any foreign capital

                WE HAVE LARGE STOCKS

                We have large stocks and therefore short delivery times.


                Our technical support is at a very high level thanks to regular training for technical knowledge and expertise


                We are always willing to help you in solving any complications and requirements.

                Requirements for technical sophistication.

                All equipment we supply meets the requirements for technical sophistication. They comply with applicable regulations and standards, and are environmentally friendly.


                Part of the facilities of MARKSYS s. r. o.  are production and storage facilities with a total area of 1400 m2, with which we are able to respond flexibly to customer requirements.

                ISO CERTIFICATION

                We always try to supply products of the highest possible quality. That is why we were certified according to ISO 9001 in 2006.

                Our costumers

                Let yourself be convinced of the quality and possibilities of our marking.
                We will always find a suitable solution for you.

                  Contact us

                  Please fill in this short form - we will contact you the next working day.